AP1 update

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AP1 update

Postby myriam » Thu Aug 23, 2012 9:52 pm

Nous venons de retourner de alkudia smir apres avoir passé des agréables vacances pendant 4 semaines qui nous ont permis de remarquer un grand changement dans la résidence;
C' est vrai qu'il y a des choses encore a faire, comme les abris de voitures, les façades, il y a une nette amélioration.
Depuis quelques années la résidence était comme délaissée par le constructeur et abandonnée par les propriétaires fatigués par les malfaçons .
En une année, l' endroit s' est métamorphosé grace aux efforts du bureau syndical, on a retrouvé espoir sur la value de notre investissement

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Postby Colin » Fri Aug 24, 2012 12:40 pm

Hi Myriam,

I am very glad you enjoyed your time in Alcudia Smir.

So because you see some improvement, you don’t think the syndicate should have to justify themselves by way of accounts, or have to submit themselves to a democratic election?

I won’t be giving anyone any further money until such times as I can see some proper audited accounts, until I see the people looking after that money as being willing to submit themselves to a proper and fair election.

If Mr. Houali is the best person for the syndicate, then he should be prepared to prove it by allowing all of the other owners to select him for the job, and he should be able to provide accounts to prove he is spending our money in an appropriate and accountable way.

The work that has been done by the syndicate, in my view, does not cost the thousands and thousands that Mr. Houali has collected from owners, where is all the money? (and why have we paid to build a shop for his friend without paying us rent?)

His defence of “I am doing all of this work without pay and for the good of everyone” does not wash – whoever is in charge of the syndicate needs to be effective and accountable, Mr. Houali is neither.

I pray that the EGM being called for is a success and this situation changes – the current situation is far from being good for the value of our investment, who on earth would buy into a situation where they have to give a huge amount of money to someone and have no idea how it is being spent!

I would urge everyone to make their vote count, whichever position they agree with, if you support Mr. Houali either attend or ensure you make arrangements for a proxy vote, if you wish things to change in the syndicate, then either attend or ensure you make arrangements for a proxy vote. What we need is for whoever is in charge of the syndicate to be elected by the owners.


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AP1 update

Postby myriam » Fri Aug 24, 2012 10:23 pm

Hello Colin

We are owner on ap1 since 2OO5 believe me to meet alls AP1 owners that will be hard .
They are people from everywher (Morocco, Europe, America and Canada even Dubay)
So if you have an idea to rich everybody that will be fantastic
we are open for evrything to make our investment on top

Myriam and 1Frenchy
Posts: 15
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Location: Morocco

Postby Colin » Fri Aug 24, 2012 10:45 pm


I too have had my reservation on AP1 for a long time (but not since 2005 as it was not released until 2006 - so you lie...)

I fail to understand why you think holding the AGM without telling owners it is happening, and then holding the subsequent meeting with 1 hours notice, also without telling anyone, is doing anything but proving that Mr. Houali is only trying to be elected with as few people voting as possible.

The syndicate is not open, I have yet to see any plausible accounts, I have no idea what my money has been spent on, I have no idea how contracts are awarded (is it true the security is owned by Mr. Houali's friend, if so, this is conflict of interest and shows no due process)

Personally I am not trying to reach anyone, however an effort is being made to reach as many owners as possible - the last AGM made no effort to reach anyone!

The best thing for everyone's investment is to be OPEN and accountable, elected and effective. The current syndicate is damaging everyone's investment - each and every one of you are losing money and causing your investment to be completely unsellable as a result of the current syndicate situation. No one would consider buying a property where the syndicate is unelected and unaccountable.


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