Status Update - Extraordinary General Meeting AP1

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Status Update - Extraordinary General Meeting AP1

Postby Sandra » Mon Aug 27, 2012 11:08 pm

This letter has also been placed under your apartment door in 3 languages.
27 August 2012

Cher propriétaire, Estimado propietario, Dear Owner

Help us to communicate. Send your name email, phone, apt. no. to
AP1 Alcudia Smir Update to letter dated 19 August

This note covers two subjects as follows below: -

Firstly, it must be reported that the syndic does not want to hold an extraordinary general meeting, and that we must wait until July next year. The current syndic could have stood for fair and free elections with the other candidates. We could also have voted on other important matters for example “direct” or “indirect” management as explained in the last note. This was President Allal’s choice. I did speak to him last Thursday 23 August. The reasons given for non-notification to ALL owners and/or late notice of our general assembly date and date changes were the inexperience of his administrator and that documents were not ready.

Secondly, I would like to address the lies that were distributed to owners in a letter from the syndic in the last couple of days. This letter was only in Arabic, and I did not receive a copy.

1. Syndic summary statement: The adviser that is helping us in the transition to a more open and fair system for ALL owners is out to make money.
Reply: current services are free. There are two quotations from professional syndics and we are investigating a third company.

2. Syndic summary statement: All apartments have now paid the syndic fee for 2011/2012.
Reply: If that is the case, where are the latest accounts? In addition, the non-payers that are displayed in each block must be removed.

3. Syndic summary statement: Mme Sandra does not like children and wants to stop the animation.
Reply: I am not concerned with children. My (and other owners) issue was the loud music all day, and that there is nothing for adults. The loud music was rectified and is now no problem, but work needs to be done in relation to adult recreation. The children also need somewhere to play. Several other good ideas have been received from other owners.

4. Syndic summary statement: Mme Sandra does not like people swimming in the pool with clothes as she thinks that it is not clean.
Reply: It does not matter to me what people wear in the swimming pool. I like swimming in the sea. I am also well aware of Islamic culture during Ramadan as I worked in Qatar for one year.

5. Syndic summary statement: Mme Sandra wanted to build an extension on her balcony that is why her builder was banned from the complex.
Reply: I have never wanted an extension. As discussed with the President, on several occasions, I agreed with him that owners must not change the façade. In fact, the chief in charge of façade and buildings at the municipal offices checked my property. There were no problems. I understand that the syndic has reported owners with extensions and roof shade that is not in keeping with the complex, to the tribunal for example cane and coconut long hair fibre.

At the end of the day, you must ask yourself if our syndic is open. There is no communication about anything. We need a syndic that is open, accountable, fairly elected and effective. The current syndic has none of these elements. An extraordinary general meeting where ALL owners are informed as per Moroccan law 18.00 for Condominiums and can vote either with their feet or via a proxy whether they are pro or against the current syndic is required, but has been refused.

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