
General chat about Morocco


Postby porty » Mon Sep 18, 2006 12:38 pm

Copy n pasted from web site:-
Taxes in Morocco

Non resident individuals, who invest in real estate situated in Morocco, can be exempt from paying tax for the first 3 years but there after would be required to pay tax on 60% of their generated income at between 22% and 44% depending on the region, in Tangier for example a "buy to let" investor would after 3 years be required to pay 22% on 60% of the generated rental income from his "buy to let" investment property in Morocco.

Property Tax
Property owners are required to pay property tax annually in Morocco. There is an exemption for the first 5 years but after this tax is due based on the annual rental value of the property as per the table below:

Value Tax
Less than 3,000dh 0%
between 3,001 and 6,000 dh 10%
between 6,001 and 12,000 dh 16%
between 12,001 and 24,000dh 20%
between 24,001 and 36,000 dh 24%
between 36,001 and 60,000 dh 28%
more than 60,000 dh 30%

Property Rental Tax
Investors pay 13.50% on the rental value of the property.

Local Tax
There is a 5 year exemption from the garbage collection tax, after this period tax is charged at 10% of the property's annual rental value.

Capital Gains Tax
Capital gains tax is charged at 20% of profit with a minimum of 3% of the sale price if the property is sold within 5 years. If the property is sold before 10 years capital gains is charged at 10% and 0% after 10 years. Capital gains tax is based on the sale price less the purchase price.
Inheritance Tax There is 0% inheritance tax for family members, but it is essential that you make a Moroccan legal will and seek professional tax advice.
Posts: 21
Joined: Sun Aug 20, 2006 1:29 pm


Postby shak » Tue Sep 19, 2006 4:46 pm

Can you please explain the following:

1) Value Tax, what does it mean ? What value? who esablishes it?

2) What is the property rental Tax of 13.50%

3) What is the difference between(2) above and would be required to pay tax on 60% of their generated income at between 22% and 44% depending on the region, in Tangier for example a "buy to let" investor would after 3 years be required to pay 22% on 60% of the generated rental income from his "buy to let" investment property in Morocco.

So investor pays 22% or 44% of 60 % of the genarated Income. Is the investor allowed to offset his/her cost such as mortgage interest, service charges, insurance etc ?.
Posts: 193
Joined: Wed Sep 06, 2006 2:04 pm


Postby shak » Tue Sep 19, 2006 4:46 pm

Can you please explain the following:

1) Value Tax, what does it mean ? What value? who esablishes it?

2) What is the property rental Tax of 13.50%

3) What is the difference between(2) above and would be required to pay tax on 60% of their generated income at between 22% and 44% depending on the region, in Tangier for example a "buy to let" investor would after 3 years be required to pay 22% on 60% of the generated rental income from his "buy to let" investment property in Morocco.

So investor pays 22% or 44% of 60 % of the genarated Income. Is the investor allowed to offset his/her cost such as mortgage interest, service charges, insurance etc ?.
Posts: 193
Joined: Wed Sep 06, 2006 2:04 pm

Postby porty » Tue Sep 19, 2006 5:49 pm

No I cannot explain anything, I just copied and paste this info from another forum. I have no idea
Posts: 21
Joined: Sun Aug 20, 2006 1:29 pm

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